Finding time

Maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s a cliche but the older I get, the quicker time goes by. It flies by actually. I remember when I was a little girl how slowly the years seemed to pass. It seemed to take forever for birthdays and Christmas to come around. Now, I blink and time has all too quickly passed me by. I can’t believe that we are already in April.

I’ve only managed to get out on the Vespa a handful of times since Christmas. Between the craziness of the lead up to Christmas, the girls being on school holidays, a family holiday, the weather, working and a busy first term of school for the girls, there just has been very little time.

I’ve now had my Vespa for over a year 😱 and I have no regrets other than not being able to find more time to ride. However, surprisingly when I look back I have managed to get out and about once a month since Christmas.

January 2019

The morning of leaving to go on a family holiday, I took the Vespa out for a run to do a Stampin’ Up! catalogue drop. Is it bad that I left hubby home to pack the car? The best part was when I came home, hubby told me to take his Vespa for a run as well. Apparently he meant just for a short ride but I ended up right out the back of Tarome….oops!

February 2019

We attended a VCB mystery ride in February. I love surprises but not of the riding kind so I was a little nervous. I think that’s the inexperienced rider coming out in me or maybe the fact that I’m a self-confessed control freak. My nerves were not put at ease by the dodgy weather that greeted us the morning of the ride either. I had never ridden in the rain and to tell you the truth it wasn’t high on my list of things to do. The mystery ride took us to Lake Samsonvale on the Northside of Brisbane. Despite the rain I actually enjoyed the ride. I did learn a few things:

    My leather jacket protects me quite well from rain however it takes a very long time to dry
    I’m glad my helmet has a full visor
    You don’t have windscreen wipers when you ride😬😂 (I hadn’t really thought about this)

March 2019

Some days are just too beautiful to leave the scooter at home. I enjoyed a Doterra Oil class at Pinkle & Co in Boonah. This is an old Uniting Church which has been converted to a residence and a beautiful space where the workshop was held complete with collectibles and art pieces. Of course, no ride is complete without taking the scenic way home via Moogerah Dam.

Pinkle & Co

Moogerah Dam

So this brings me to April and I’m hoping that we will be able go on a VCB ride on the weekend that will take in the sights from Shorncliffe to Redcliffe. We have done this ride before and really enjoyed it. Fingers crossed that time is on my side this weekend.

4 thoughts on “Finding time”

  1. Beautiful photos Mylee! So glad you are enjoying this gorgeous weather on your Vespas! Do you ride them in to participate in the VCB activities, or take them in a Ute and go from there. Just curious as I’d love to join in one day but can’t do the trip all the way on the bike. Not yet, anyway!


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